January 22, 2018


The Enigma pipeline to identify novel breaktrhough technologies can offer you a unique value proposition.
Our company has developed a process to rapidly perform a technology intelligence scan for technologies offering competitive advantage amidst a large background of thousands of related technologies (see Veugelers et al., Linking technology intelligence to open innovation. Technological Forecasting & Social Change 77 (2010) 335–343.).
We have established extensive Life Sciences company profile databases, allowing for quick searches for technologies and much more information (e.g. contacts, deal values etc…).
We have performed technology scouting and market studies for over 10 years in multiple life sciences fields with very deep emerging technology and company expertise. Some highlights of our expertise:

Research Tools Area:

  • DNA-sequencing: emerging platforms, novel applications (e.g. spatial genomics, long reads, portable instruments), …
  • DNA-synthesis: from novel nucleotide chemistry to genome-scale DNA synthesis, …
  • Cell analysis: from cytometry to single-cell sequencing, -imaging, -assaying, cell reprogramming and organoids, …
  • Genome Engineering: from CRISPR to next-gen genome engineering technologies, …
  • Proteomics: mass spectrometry, antibodies, protein-synthesis, protein-sequencing, interactomics, biosensors, …
  • Imaging: Super-resolution microscopy, High-Content analysis, …
  • Others: Bioinformatics, microfluidics, multiplex assays, Bionanotechnology…

Applied Research Area:

  • Genetic diagnosis & screening (rare diseases, PGD, oncology,….)
  • Tools for drug discovery and development
  • Cell-free DNA analysis
  • Identification and analysis of circulating tumor cells
  • Metagenomics
  • Therapeutic antibody platforms
  • CAR-T and other immuno-oncology approaches
  • Gene Therapy

We have hands on experience with many of the technologies described above and access to a network of key technology users to validate emerging technologies.